Family Life
7 years ago
This morning millions of mothers sent their kids off to school. I, myself, just sent my 3 kids off to school. Which is fine, moms send their kids to school, but when its only hours after 17 people lost their lives during one of the deadliest school shootings our country has seen, it’s anything but fine. Words cannot even describe the feeling, the sick, sinking[...]
8 years ago
Because lists are fun... Listen. When someone else is talking. Actually listen. This is not a skill that comes supernaturally to me. It’s a discipline I have to practice. Like going to bed on time, or only eating 1 s'more as opposed to 5 (this is a real problem for me), or doing laundry more than twice a month. I can do it, all of[...]
8 years ago
I’d had visions of driving my minivan off a cliff for some time. It’d been the family vehicle for 6 years. We got it when I was 8 months pregnant with baby number 2, add one more child to the mix, THOUSANDS of miles, every stain, spill and bodily fluid truly known to man. A four year old who called the section between his seat[...]
8 years ago
I went and saw a new baby today. It was so wonderful, number one, because I am not having any more babies. All of us ladies who are past that stage of life know, we need our fix from time to time. Number two, there is just something so beautiful and inspiring about being around a newborn. The whole world in front of them. Life,[...]
8 years ago
A couple of days ago, after a fun filled weekend of camping and family time, I decided to take my kids swimming at my brother’s one last time this summer. Here’s the thing. My heart was NOT in it. I wanted to stay home and tackle the mountain of laundry left in the wake of only 3 days of camping. Maybe rest before the work[...]
9 years ago
When my husband and I started dating some 15 years ago, he was big into rock climbing. And I, I didn’t even know that rock climbing was a thing. I had never been in a harness...because thighs. I had never once scaled any kind of wall or rock type surface and I had zero upper body strength. None of this sounded fun. I was also[...]
9 years ago
Tomorrow is the last day of school for my 1st grader and Begindergartener. And I am more than thrilled. I can’t take one more minute in the pick up line (see previous post about my shame here), I can’t check the folder, I just so genuinely could care less about what is in that folder at this point. And packing lunch, well yes, while so[...]
9 years ago
You will never finish anything ever again. This is seriously the conversation I have with myself daily. My friend and I were having a little chat about this the other day. I call it mom-paralyzed. It’s that moment when you realize you are alone or not needed by anyone and you seriously do not know what to do. You want to be productive, but something[...]
9 years ago
I love my kids something fierce, I am bonded and connected with them in such a profound indescribable way. I have had to come into my own story though, that this - this mom stuff, has not come easy to me. There is a voice in the back of my head that gives me some pause. Because mothering for me, doesn’t always come naturally. I’ve[...]
9 years ago
OHMYGOSH the carpool line situation at my kid’s school is so real. I have heard moms complain about this. I have seen the posts titled “dear mom in the carpool line”. I have watched the (what I thought were) over exaggerations of it in movies. Living it now, in the everyday. It’s all so. True. And because I am such a patient person, I[...]